This - Golondrina - Swallows - Life
This Life is a work of fiction. Names, charters, places and incidents are the product of the authors imagination or are usted fictionaly. Any resemblance to actual events, locals or persons, living or dead is concidental.
The seasons change in front of me, threw the bars, the black steal bars I live behind, my home. My home and theirs, the home of others, coming and going. My sentance 7 years, theres diferente. The decision was made, a New Mercedes 63 AMG coup my entrance fee, my share in a 15' x 15' concrete box.
Its a constance here un Envegado as we watch threw the steal door. A door made of steal slats 4 fingers wide. A breze cools the concrete cell during the heat of the day. 18 men, 18 angry irational souls. There is no change in their world behind bars, just a constance. Most young, 18 - 35, a badge of honor coming from barrios of Colombia. A daily ration of foods comes threw the bars, we clean, we live. A daily evolve of sydistic pearsonalities. The future villians of the world.
Parque, cards, ajedrez the Daily education of passing time. Hammock or mat on a slab of concrete, the place we sleep. The always functioning socioty rairly stops to lay its head. High above in my hammock I lay. The City bellow evolves and gros. Evil lives in the cells of Envigado, waiting to get out. The time in between a limbo of sanity. Colombia, Envigado, prision. My Hilton, my time share, my vacation home.
The Madman
Engine # 7798060018089
chassie # WOD2053871F445198
plate # DOU317 Bogotá
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