
 Standing silently in the halway his pack beside him as he prepairs to leave. He observes his suroundings. The ajoining rooms lay silent as he passes threw the capital ariving the day before. The sun yet to rise on the new day. A mist lingers in the air. A refreshing costal breeze felt all around. Potter aproches the wall of locked boxes. The contrast of multi color locks against the individual steel blue doors of security. The oprotunity to much for him to pass up as he aproches his starting point. One last moment of calm. Emotion and empithy abcent as he positions the lock in his hand, partialy obscuring it from the view of others that may interupt his endevor. The tentioner now positioned at the base of the lockport. His thumb carefuly appling the pressure needed to the tentioner. A simple set of tools he fashioned out of stainless tweesers in Kuala Lumpur. Broken in half, one half shaped in a "L" the other a slight bend at the end and filed down to provide an astonishingly key, lock pick. His right hand incerting the simplistic tool. The feel of noches and groves at his finger tips. The travel lock being a truly faulse security. The majority only needing one or two pins pressed before giving way. Positioned at the back the thinly fashioned key passes over the pins, back and forth, in a gental dance of tention and presure as the furthest pin is pressed into place and holds. The correct tention the solution. His hand feeling the subtle sensation of movement. Aditional presure giving way, the key port shifts slightly. The tell tale sign hes heading in the right direction. 

Potter a bit of a pirate in truth, the need to always be close to rhe sea, posesed a colection of talents unusual to most, his reality. The island of Sri Lanka just south of India was not originaly on his list of must see. His travel compani9n in Bali had sugested they go there together after Indonesia. A very drivin Philipino-American  from Las Vegas. The perfect body to go with her ever consuming drive to conqure the social media world, building her social influincial empire. 

They had met a few weeks eairlier in a very tropical resort of a hostel. The ice cold beers poolside as various travelers come and go on there journey from every walk of life, zooming off for there day of adventure exploring the beautiful vast island of Bali, laied with crystal clear, picture perfect sandy beaches, glorious costal sunsets and vast jungles of hidden gyms of every sort on there rented mopeds. Sam had been backpacking for a year and was atempting to pave the way to social media influencer. A successful business woman in her latte 20's having a handful of homes shebowned and managed as rentals to fund her endevor. Not wanting to except the status quoe of life she was going to adventure the world documenting her very sexy figure along they way in an astonishingly vast colection of itty bitty, teny weenie bikinis, always sexy tube tops and short short shorts. All packed into her single travel pack. Potter was a happy camper along for the ride and the eye behind the lense, something he was actualy good at, having a selective eye for the best settings and enviornment capturing excwptionaly dynamic shots. Bringing envy from the eyes of others. Making them a good team during there short time together. A few short weeks but a life time of adventure beginning a few weeks eairlier.

Potter had been working his way threw Malaysia crossing by ferry into the north tip of Indonesia. Stepping off the relitivly short jaunt across the sea he found himself uncertain of his next steps. As he hails the first motor bike taxi hopping on the back. "Take me to the bus station please" he states to the pint size driver. As they zoom off.


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